Tuesday, October 29, 2013

5 months!

This little cutie is 5 months old now. He is doing great. He has been smiling and cooing for about six weeks. I love it.

He pulls some of the funniest faces and his little personality comes out more everyday.

He is getting super chubby. He is now over 11 pounds and 25 inches tall. We love it! He eats like a champ. He will get to start on solid food next month so we are working pretty hard on head control.

I have been thinking a lot about the NICU lately. Having my baby in the hospital is the most difficult thing I have gone through. But, I came through it. Most days while Calvin was in the NICU I couldn't imagine getting through. It was too far of a stretch for me to think about my tiny and sick little baby playing on my living room floor and smiling up at me.
I laugh at that now. The NICU really does become memory. I can't even say it is a completely bad memory. It often still brings me to tears to think about Calvin laying in his isolet, attached to wires and tubes. I think my heart still speeds up ever so slightly when I think about Brady episodes, and the morning I walked in to see my tiny sweet boy in septic shock will be etched in my brain forever.
But, I met some amazing people. I miss those nurses a lot. They were not just Calvin's nurses, they were (many times) my emotional support and lifeline. They became my friends. I realized just how amazing family is as Dave and my families took care of everything they possibly could for us. I already had so much gratitude for my amazing husband, but I never knew how much I could love him and need him. I truly understand the quote "I never knew how much I could love your father until I saw how much he loves you." I saw how selfless people are as we were on the receiving end of so much service, love, and prayer. I became eternally grateful for the priesthood and the fact that Dave's holds and blesses our family with it. Most of all I have learned to rely on God for anything and everything. He truly carried us through. So if I could go back and change things would I do it over again? No way! I would much rather just stay pregnant, take home my sweet little newborn at two days old, and remain blissfully ignorant of this NICU world. But I have been forever humbled and changed. For that I am grateful.

My cousin is currently in the hospital with her sweet baby girl, who is very sick. And, a family in our ward had their baby much too early this last week. Please pray for these two families and their babies. We now how miraculously powerful prayers can be. Thank you all.
Posted by Brianna

Monday, October 14, 2013

Recent Happenings

This post is a random smattering of recent events, mostly in September.

Dave and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary this year. He got me tickets to the Starship/Sawyer Brown concert. It was awesome! We also went to the fair on the actual anniversary.

This was at the fair on one of the rides. I love the rides.

The kids love to ruff house with Daddy.

Hanna told me she wanted to dress fancy for preschool pictures.

Calvin started smiling and cooing

We got to ride on Grammie's boat

We also went to the Rasmussen Family Reunion in September. We had a blast. My parents were in charge and the did an awesome job. It was wonderful to see all my family members. True to form, I did not take any pictures. I was busy chasing our three midgets.

We watched a LOT of Duck Dynasty

I love that show!

I spent some time making fall decor. Thank you Pinterest!

We also got a new nephew in September, Tanner Wade. Dave's brother, Steve, and sister-in-law, Amanda had a baby bow. He is so cute but we haven't really seen him much because we have been sick and did not want to share.

September was great, and so busy. Sorry for the random, unorganized post. I didn't want these things to go undocumented.
- Posted by Brianna

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Calvin's Blessing Day

We blessed Calvin on September 1st. It was a wonderful day! He was blessed by Dave in Sacrament Meeting. He gave Calvin a beautiful blessing. we are grateful for all the wonderful priesthood holders who stood in the circle with Dave. We are also so grateful to all those who came to be with us that day, some of you traveled so far.

True to form I did not do very good taking pictures. I got posed pictures but I wish I would have gotten pictures of everyone who came to the house, and one picture of everyone together. Oh well, some day I will figure it out.

Calvin in his blessing outfit. I had such a hard time finding one that was not so fruity! Dave told me this one was still fruity. I told him that if he had seen all the other choices he would be raving about this one. Whatever, Calvin still looks like a stud in it.

Our little family- I think this is the first picture we have of all five of us.

All the grandkids on my parents side. Top: Tucker, Hanna, Raleigh, and Calvin
Bottom: Bronx and Heath
I love Tucker's face in this one. You can tell how excited he is to stop playing fora stupid picture.

Raleigh did a great job holding Calvin (yes those are my hands). She is such a great little baby-sitter.

We figured out afterwards that Heath just wanted to hold Bronx. Maybe he and Raleigh need a baby if their own (hint, hint ;) ).
- Posted by Brianna

First Day of Preschool

Hanna is so excited to be back at preschool. She really missed it over the summer. We love her teacher, Onda K. The wonderful thing is that she lives just down the road from us.

She looks so beautiful and grown up!

She is actually holding on for dear life in this picture.

She can't wait to get inside

Daddy walking her in

When we got home I was looking through pictures of her first day last year. I can't believe how much she has grown up!

She was so excited about her backpack, she wouldn't look at the camera.

Hope you have a great year at preschool, Honey. We love you!
- Posted by Brianna

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

3 months

This post is a little late, but hey I am trying to keep up with 3 kids these days. Calvin turned 3 months old last week. I cannot believe how time is passing us by. The week before that marked him being home from the hospital longer than he was there.

For some reason this was a big milestone for me. It made me feel like he was really mine. I know this is probably dumb, but it is how I felt. When he was at the hospital I felt like I was not needed, and that I was missing his first weeks of life.

But enough of the down and depressing. Calvin has had a big month. Now that he is older we can (carefully) take him out more.

He's been to the zoo (he slept in the backpack the whole time, but this was taken at the zoo, I promise)

And camping in the front yard (although he and I abandoned ship and slept in the house)

And all around Yellowstone National Park

As of August 30, he weighs 7 lbs 15oz and has been taken off high calorie formula (as a trial for now). He is awake a lot more often, and full of wiggles. If I do not feed him when he feels I should he loudly vocalizes all of my inadequacies as a mother. He only gives me about three seconds. He has started sleeping longer at night. He sleeps about five hours during the first part of the night. This is so nice! He loves to play in the floor and get all if his wiggles out. We are all so in love with our little man!
- Posted by Brianna

Friday, August 16, 2013

Two years down, eternity to go

On July 30th, our family celebrated being sealed in the temple for all eternity two years ago. It was one of the best days of my life. Dave and I kneeled across the altar from each other and were sealed. Then Tucker and Hanna were brought into the room and sealed to us. They looked so precious, all dressed in white like two little angels. We were also sealed all future children to us. Calvin was born in the covenant of our sealing- so he is sealed to us already.

I am so grateful to be sealed to Dave for forever. He is my best friend and soul mate. A lifetime with him would never be enough time. I love him more every day.

I am so happy to be sealed to our kids. They are ours forever. There is great power that comes from that. I never imagined that we would face any of our kids mortality, and that is not something a parent ever wants to think about. But, when we were told Calvin had to be born so early we were faced with that possibility. I was so thankful to know that no matter what he is our baby forever. It gave me a lot of courage and comfort.

I am so grateful to God to allow me to have this family now and forever.

Thank you Dave for taking me to the temple and promising me forever. It is the best gift if all. I love you.

- Posted by Brianna

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two Months

Calvin is two months old! We are so in love with this sweet little boy.

He is such a great baby. He is doing really well. Monday he turned two months and we took him for his checkup. He weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and was 18 inches long. He is growing fast. Today I put away his preemie clothes. I may have teared up a little. Tomorrow the physical therapist comes for the first time. I am nervous. I am not sure why, I just am. Wish us luck.
- Posted by Brianna

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


This post is long over due. We got to bring Calvin home almost two weeks ago on July 10th.

Calvin started eating really well for me while I was there during the day. So on July 7th Dave brought the camping trailer and set it up at the hospital so I could be there around the clock. He also decided to stay there with me for at least the first few days so that Hanna and Tucker could be there too.

On Monday Dave took one of the feedings. When he came back he pointed out that Calvin had to work so hard to get anything out of the nipple. So the next feeding I asked for a faster flow nipple. After that he did amazing. He would nurse for about half the feeding and then finish with a bottle. He was doing this every feeding.

Tuesday morning Ginger, Calvin's nurse practitioner, asked us if we wanted to go home the next day. Um, of course! So I headed home with Tucker and Hanna to get e few things ready and to grab our carseat. Dave took the next feeding. When I pulled in the driveway I saw that someone had come to our house and cleaned up our yard. We had pretty much let it go for about 2 months. it had been overtaken by 2 foot weeds everywhere. They mowed it, cleaned all the weeds off the ditch banks, wacked all the weeds in the flower beds, and washed the outside windows. Tears were rolling down my cheeks by the time I got in the house. We later found out it was our home teacher and his wife, and our Bishop. If there was anyone else they will not tell us who. If any of you read this, THANK YOU! It meant the world to me.

I got things ready for Calvin, grabbed the carseat, and headed back to he hospital. Thankfully my mom was able to come and get Hanna and Tucker and keep them overnight. We roomed in the hospital and got to keep Calvin with us all night. He had to sit in his carseat for 90 minutes without his oxygen or heart rate dropping. He passed. The next day we were discharged! It was so amazing to walk out of that hospital.

We finally got our family all together.

Hanna and Tucker finally got to meet their brother.

Calvin is doing wonderful since coming home. He is almost two months old. He came home weighing 4 lbs 7oz. He is now pushing 6 lbs. He is nursing exclusively. He is also awake more now, and it is so fun to see his eyes.

I want to thank everyone who helped us through this. We had amazing nurses, doctors, nurse practitioners, and all other medical caretakers. Our family members took amazing care of Hanna and Tucker while we spent time with Calvin at the hospital. We had ward members bringing us meals, visiting us, and taking care of our yard. We had more people than I can even count praying for us and sending so many encouraging and thoughtful messages. Thank you all, from the absolute bottom of our hearts. We could not have made it through without everyone of you!
- Posted by Brianna

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hanna's Princess Birthday

Hanna turned 4 on July 7th. She has been talking about her princess birthday for almost a year. With Calvin in the hospital I was not sure how we would pull it off, but somehow we had to make it work.

We did it!

We stayed up until about 2 am, the two nights before making the cake and wrapping presents. It turned out to be a great party for our little princess.

Kaylee, Hanna, and Raleigh
Dave came up with the idea to get all the little girls at the party princess dresses.

The party was at 1, and the sun made it hard to get good pictures.

Hanna received a ton of princess and Barbie gifts. Thank you everyone!

Kaylee posed so cute for me

Then it was time for cake. Hanna loved her cake. Sadly I put down the camera to help serve cake and I didn't remember to get more pictures until after everyone was done.

After cake Dave saddled one of Mike's draft horses, Kate. I wanted a picture of Hanna riding in her princess dress.

She loved it, and now tells us she needs to ride Kate, her princess horse.

When she was done a few of us took turns on Kate.


My Dad


Dave and Tucker

I missed getting pictures of Raleigh, Heath, and Jenna on the horse.

Hanna, we love you more than you will ever know. You are sweet, and kind. You are so smart! You have started to outwit me. You are BEAUTIFUL! Your
Dad and I are so thankful for you in our little family. You are a great big sister to your brothers, and they love you too.
Posted by Brianna