Friday, August 16, 2013

Two years down, eternity to go

On July 30th, our family celebrated being sealed in the temple for all eternity two years ago. It was one of the best days of my life. Dave and I kneeled across the altar from each other and were sealed. Then Tucker and Hanna were brought into the room and sealed to us. They looked so precious, all dressed in white like two little angels. We were also sealed all future children to us. Calvin was born in the covenant of our sealing- so he is sealed to us already.

I am so grateful to be sealed to Dave for forever. He is my best friend and soul mate. A lifetime with him would never be enough time. I love him more every day.

I am so happy to be sealed to our kids. They are ours forever. There is great power that comes from that. I never imagined that we would face any of our kids mortality, and that is not something a parent ever wants to think about. But, when we were told Calvin had to be born so early we were faced with that possibility. I was so thankful to know that no matter what he is our baby forever. It gave me a lot of courage and comfort.

I am so grateful to God to allow me to have this family now and forever.

Thank you Dave for taking me to the temple and promising me forever. It is the best gift if all. I love you.

- Posted by Brianna

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two Months

Calvin is two months old! We are so in love with this sweet little boy.

He is such a great baby. He is doing really well. Monday he turned two months and we took him for his checkup. He weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and was 18 inches long. He is growing fast. Today I put away his preemie clothes. I may have teared up a little. Tomorrow the physical therapist comes for the first time. I am nervous. I am not sure why, I just am. Wish us luck.
- Posted by Brianna