Isn't he cute?! I think his profile looks just like Tucker. I am a little behind. I was so busy and side tracked that I didn't do a 4 month post.
Due Date: August 8th
Maternity Clothes: A few but I still prefer my regular clothes. They are snug but I can't fit into the maternity clothes yet.
Weight Gain: 5-6 lbs
Sick: no
Cravings: still pizza and strawberries- not together. I have also been craving all fruits lately.
Moody: no mostly happy although when I do snap I really snap.
Gender: Boy! And he is proud of it.
Movement: finally yes! He is moving more every day and his movements are getting stronger and stronger.
I Miss: not having to use the bathroom a thousand times a day.
Preeclampsia: none. My goal is to make it 5 more weeks without it. At that point a healthy baby can be born and sustained with lots of medical help. If I get that far I will set a new goal.
Looking Forward To: figuring out a name for this little guy. We are really struggling. We are just not coming up with anything we both like. Suggestions?
- Posted by Brianna